Dan Li 

Postdoc, ELLIS, University of Amsterdam

About me

I am currently a postdoc at the University of Amsterdam, and the scientific coordinator of the Amsterdam unit of ELLIS.

I did my PhD in IRLAB with Prof. Evangelos Kanoulas and Prof. Maarten de Rijke at the University of Amsterdam from 2016 to 2020. In my dissertation – titled Effective Collection Construction for Information Retrieval Evaluation and Optimization, I studied a fundamental way of constructing and utilizing test collections in information retrieval in an effective, efficient and reliable manner.

 I received my M.A. degree at Dalian University of Technology in 2016. During my master, I working on the collocation extraction problem in Natural Language Processing. My master thesis is titled Collocation Extraction and Collocational Features of Verbs in China English, supervised by Prof. Jingxiang Cao

I received the B.Sc. degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at Dalian University of Technology in 2011. 

Except academia, I have been working as an Assistant Software Engineer in Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, Beijing, China, for two years.

My hometown is in Inner Mongolia (China). I love dancing (zumba). I'm a big language fan. I speak Chinese and English as daily and working language. I also speak Japanese and Thai for fun.

Professional experiences

2021/01 – now  University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands                     

Postdoc, information retrieval, supervised by Prof. dr. Maarten de Rijke and Prof. dr. Max Welling.


2016/10 – 2020/11  University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands                     

Ph.D., Computer Science

2013/09 – 2016/07  Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China                                           

M.A., Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

2007/09 – 2011/07  Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China                                          

B.Sc., Mathematics and Applied Mathematics




1.12, Villiage.AI, Science Park 608B, 

Amsterdam, Netherlands


1098 XH, Amsterdam

