Information management


This track is about information technology in the corporate context and the IT industry.

For the corporate context, business processes are highly dependent on the effective use of information technology. This results in high demands for availability, reliability, inter-operability, flexibility and maintainability of information technology applications in organizational contexts. Consequently, the following questions arise: How do we manage information systems development projects as organizational change and improvement processes; What is the value of new technological opportunities, like block chain, bigdata and datamining, for achieving business goals?

The information technology industry context provides critical infrastructures and services for modern organizations. This raises questions regarding understanding the future scenarios for the IT industry and its impact on business and society, the further development of datacenters as the backbone for the internet, new ways of value creation with social media and games, and the management of risks for IT-ecosystems.

The management of IT in corporate contexts and management in the IT industry require a careful balance of information technological and business management knowledge that is the core of especially the Business & IT-program. The research that students can do in this track can be theoretical, empirical, experimental, design science, and policy-oriented, although given the short time for this study empirical and experimental studies are less likely to be done.

Suggested Topics

Example research topics are the following:

Corporate context

  • Implementing new IT project management principles, like DevOps.

  • Redesigning IT governance in the context of adopting cloud services.

  • IT portfolio valuation and project proposals prioritization

  • Coordinative systems in value chains and logistics

IT industry context

  • Social media information product production (e.g. predictions) and exploitation

  • Global software projects and tools for their management

  • E-sports and games datamining

  • Datacenter growth scenarios development and simulation

  • IT services needs detection for smart industry

The topics are supervised by the IEBIS group of BMS. For further information on the content of this track, you may contact the track chair: Fons Wijnhoven