Programme and proceedings

The conference will be held on-line in Canvas on July 3, 2020. There will be two main sessions separated by the lunch break.

  • The plenary session. The conference starts with a plenary session in the morning. The papers scheduled in the morning session are best paper nominations. Out of these papers the best papers will be selected, and awarded with the TSCiT best paper award.

New in this edition of the conference we introduce a special quiz for the whole audience, so students, teachers, friends and family. The quiz will have questions about the presentations of best paper nominations in the plenary morning session. There will be a link to answer the questions, which can be submited after all presentations. The winner of the quiz will be anounced during the award ceremony, and will receive a souvenir from the UT.

  • Parallel track sessions. In the afternoon, there will be the parallel session of the various tracks with various virtual rooms. The students will give presentation according to the schedule in the conference programme. Participants can enter other rooms to view the presentation of those tracks. For each room in the afternoon session, there will be a best presentation award. Students and guests will vote at the end of the session. The link will be sent by the track chairs and the results can be live viewed.

The slots allocated for the presentations at the conference will be 15 minutes per paper. This includes the presentation itself (min. 10 and max. 12 minutes), and 3 minutes questioning. Students are free to select their preferred format as long as it is clean. They could either record the presentation following the instructions here or do a live presentation, but it is a MUST to live answer questions.

Students can invite family members and friends to join the conference with an invitation link. After the conference starts, the track chairs will get an invitation link from Canvas and paste the link to the Chat. Students can then use the link (we have reserved the time for you to send the invitation). The guests can use mobile phone, tablet or computer to attend the conference. Different operating systems have different requirements to the browsers. Here are the suggestions for supporting Canvas: Firefox/Chrome for Windows/Linux and Safari for iOS in iPhone/iPad.

The proceedings will be published on-line with open access policies. The proceedings of the past conferences are still available.

Conference programme

12:30 - 13:20 Lunch break


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Copyright University of Twente, Twente Student Conference on IT, Enschede, the Netherlands.