Programme and proceedings

The conference will start with a plenary session in the morning, January 31, 2020. In the afternoon there were parallel sessions with the various tracks. The slots allocated for the presentations at the conference will be 15 minutes per paper. This includes the presentation itself (12 minutes), and 3 minutes questioning. The language is English.

Lunch, coffe/tea breaks and a "borrel" at the end in the Educafé will be provided.

The papers scheduled in the morning session are best paper nominations. Out of these papers the best papers will be selected, and awarded with the TSCiT best paper award.

The proceedings will be published on-line with open access policies.

Conference programme

12:30 - 13:15 Lunch (Horst kantine, close to C101)

Afternoon sessions

The tracks have parallel sessions in separate rooms. There will be a cofee/tea break at 14:30.

13:30 Information Management (Carré , CR 3D)

13:30 Software technology and Formal Methods (Carré, CR 3A)

13:30 Machine Learning, Data and Networks (Carré, CR 3H)

13:30 Embedded Systems & Dependable Networks (Carré, CR 3B)

16:30 Borrel in Educafé