UTMLead M4E Mentoring Program is a structured mentoring program aimed at providing guidance to academic staff in terms of institutional leadership, teaching & learning, research & innovation and professional qualifications.

This program also assist in the profiling and development of academic staff talents which support the development of academic leadership talent at university and national level.


Academic Leadership

Research & Innovation

Teaching & Learning

Profesional Practices


Provides structured and well-planned mentoring programs for the development of academic leadership talent


  • Provide succession plan
  • Assist the development of academic staff
  • Reduce the experince gap between the young staff.


  • The University needs to design, implement and cultivate mentorship as one of the structured and effective academic staff development approaches.
  • Approaches are formal and informal
  • The design and implementation would help the University to achieve its goal
  • Succession planning
  • Performance Management System
  • Differential Career Path (DCP)
  • A Mentor is a person identify by the University role model in the field of certain skills and expertise
  • A Mentors will be recognized in terms of performance management system or academic task load or promotion

Criteria Of A Mentor

Please refer to the scope for the requirement

Criteria Of A Mentee

  • Academic staff
  • Have limited skill / competence about a field
  • Unclear on career path
  • Ready to share experiences and open minded
  • Committed to mentoring sessions

In this regard, all UTM staff members are invited to join. The involvement of staff in this program is taken into account as CPD points and recorded in the UTMSMile system.

M4E Registration (Sept 2020)