Social Science Education

Below you will find social science lessons that are labeled with a grade level. However, each lesson can be used across multiple grades, so explore lessons for nearby grades.

Social Science (K-12) VOLSS Mini Lessons

Grades 9-12

Learn about the Roaring 20's and complete multimedia activities including a creative response using a song.

Grades 9-12

How did Reagan and Bush perform as Presidents? Complete a report card based on their foreign and domestic policies.

Grades 9-12

Read the Butter Battle book and make connections to the Cold War.

Grades 9-12

Learn about the Civil Rights Era started and decide whether the government should have done more to support their people equally before the boycotts and sit-ins started?

11th Grade

Learn about the Schecnk v. United States case, complete your own analysis of the case, and recreate a mock Supreme Court Appeal of Schecnk's arrest and prosecution.

Grades 9-12

Learn about the process of electing the President and Vice President of the United States and complete an Electoral College Simulation.

Grades 9-12

Learn about the significance of WWI propaganda and create your own WWI propaganda poster.

Grades 9-12

Learn about the Vietnam War and make conclusions about supporting the government during wartime.

11th Grade

Students will be able to practice historical research skills and communication skills by creating an East Tennessee Online Research Project .

Grades 6-12

Learn about Lincoln's assassination and write a news article or tweets reporting the truth.

Grades 6-12

Learn about the Declaration of Independence and create your own Declaration using a template.

Grades 9-12

Review what GRAPES are and learn about the Pax Romana of the Roman Empire. Then create your own GRAPES advertisement!