Urban Sustainability in Freiburg, Germany

Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany is located in the southwest corner of Germany which boarders Switzerland and France. The city lies between the Black Forest and the Rhine River and is considered one of the sunniest locations in Germany, which makes it a key location for solar energy.

Join us for a study abroad experience in Freiburg, Germany! During the study abroad program we will immerse ourselves in one of the world's green cities to learn about urban sustainability. We will learn strategies to reduce environmental impacts, how to create thriving and resilient communities, which strive to create strong relationships between people and place, and equal access to community and environmental goods and services.

We will spend two weeks exploring characteristics of urban sustainability, such as renewable energy, housing, mobility and transportation, water and green spaces, food and agriculture, and waste management in Freiburg, Germany and the surrounding communities.

The program runs from Monday, May 22 to Wednesday, June 7, 2023