About Me

I grew up in Leverett, MA

Many people who have not visited Massachusetts assume that it is one big city. While it's true that the Boston metropolitan area is extremely urban with a high population density, and there are several other high-density areas, much of the state is rural.

Leverett has:

  • 0 stoplights

  • 1 store (a small food co-op)

  • A population under 2000

Name and Brief Genealogy

Maczka is pronounced Ma-chka. The cz sounds like the "ch" in "church". The name is Polish. My father did not know his biological father so we do not know the exact history of "Maczka", but his maternal grandparents (my great-grandparents) immigrated from Ropczycz, Podkarpackie, Poland circa 1910. Unfortunately, they died before I was old enough to know them. My mother's side is a mix of Italian and Belgian.


Urban gardening


Sourdough (technically also lacto-fermentation, but with a baking step at the end!)

Adventuring with my brothers (when I can visit)
