Dr. Elizabeth Ilardi, Assistant Professor of Practice

Dr. I is the primary contact for the Bioactive Molecules Stream. Originally from New York, Elizabeth completed a B.S. in chemistry at The College of William and Mary (Virginia) and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry under the supervision of Dr. Armen Zakarian at The University of California, Santa Barbara. Inspired by her passion for science, she continued post-doctoral studies in organic synthesis with Dr. Jon T. Njardarson at The University of Arizona before joining the Freshman Research Initiative program at the University of Texas at Austin in 2015.

Contact Dr. I with questions or more information ✉

Dr. Stephen F. Martin, Principal Investigator

Professor Martinis the M. June and J. Virgil Waggoner Regents Chair in Chemistry at UT Austin. He received a B.S. in chemistry from the University of New Mexico where he worked for R.N. Castle, followed by a Ph.D. from Princeton University under the supervision of Professor Edward C. Taylor. Professor Martin’s postdoctoral studies include research at the University of Munich with Professor Rudolf Gompper, in addition to his work with Professor George Büchi at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor Martin then joined the faculty at UT. Dr. Martin’s research interests are focused on synthetic organic and bioorganic chemistry. In his free time, Dr. Martin enjoys spending time with his family and fishing.

Visit Professor Martin’s website for more information about his research.