
AA Hotline 801-857-7294
Call if you need help with your drinking problem!

Central Office Committee Meets 3rd Wednesday of every month. To join by Zoom: Meeting ID 86767672738 Password: 3758620

The event committee is looking for new members. Please reach out to Mikayla S for more information. - 801-473-0509

Yes we want you to GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL, but this time you get to go home the same night, no fines, no criminal charges, just an opportunity to enhance your own sobriety by carrying the message of AA to inmates in the Utah County Jail.

If you are sober, not on paper, and have not had a felony in the past 2 years, please contact Jamie corrections committee chair for district 3 at 385-207-6260.

PLEASE consider, we really need the help from our AA women and men to carry the message!


Elections are held for Chair and Co-Chair every 2 years, in the even years. If you are interested in being of service, please join us at 6pm at Central Office. 

We are also looking for a trustee and an alternate trustee.

Central Office Volunteers- Click here for more information.

Treatment Chair & DCM please come to central office for more info contact central office

District 3 Treatment Committee is RAPIDLY starting in person meetings again for treatment centers all over Utah county. Can you volunteer for 2 hours a month? 2 Meetings that could help save a newcomer's life? What I am looking for in volunteers: your available days and times, sobriety time and if you have finished steps with a sponsor. Please call / text Lisa B at 214-437-2683.

CPC/PI Chairperson (Cooperation with Professional Community & Public Information) District 3 this is a 2 year commitment and suggested 2 years recovery.

GSRs (General Service Rep) from every group. This person would attend 1 meeting per month on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm, you then take that information back to your groups, so that your groups are informed and have a vote/voice in matters affecting AA as a whole.

Responsibility Statement: Who is responsible? I am responsible, when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there, and for that I am responsible.