What's this all about?

Preserving a vital watershed

Summit Creek drains an area of 25 square miles into the Bear River in Cache County, Utah.   This watershed is an irreplaceable lifeline for the City, surrounding homes, agriculture, and wildlife habitat.  Much of this area is experiencing rapid growth in population.  Smithfield gained 43% more people between the 2010 and 2020 censuses (https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/smithfieldcityutah).  

While the stream has NOT been listed as impaired by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, it is imperative that water quality be maintained.  As the old adage by Ben Franklin goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".  The upfront costs of addressing areas of potential concern will greatly offset the backend costs of fixing a broken river.  

In promoting this effort, concerned citizens and public agency personnel convened the first planning meeting at the Smithfield City Office on May 15, 2023.   Eventually, a watershed plan will be developed.   The purpose of a watershed plan is to act as a blueprint for how the community would like to protect this vital resource.  This process is intended to be inclusive.  If you, or anyone you know, is interested in voicing your concerns, providing ideas, or learning more about the watershed please join us!