fIFTH ICAI WorkShop on Data Engineering and Analytics

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Data has become pervasive. Data Analytics, Data Mining, Data Science, or more generally the practice of identifying patterns or constructing mathematical models based on data, is at the heart of most new business models or projects.

Furthermore, the Big Data phenomenon, used to describe challenging scenarios involving either datasets that are too big to be handled using traditional approaches, datasets with diverse formats and semantics, data streams that need to be actioned in real time, or a combination of these, gives rise to significant challenges. These new trends have led to a whole new series of rapidly evolving tools, algorithms and methods which combine data engineering, computer science, statistics and mathematics.

The aim of this workshop is to present recent results at the intersection of these areas, discussing new methods or algorithms, or applications including Machine Learning, Databases, optimization or any type of algorithms, which consider managing or obtaining value from data.


The need for data scientists who quickly grasp competencies in the area of Big Data does not seem to dither, and this is reflected in the labour market by exponentially increasing demand. Over the last few years, the Big Data phenomenon has become part of the everyday language. According to International Data Corporation's expert committee, the digital universe is expected to reach 175 zettabytes by 2025. However, there is currently no consensus about what this new discipline called data science is. According to an article in Forbes magazine, it is at the intersection of traditional disciplines such as statistics and computer science.

With this in mind, the workshop aims to combine two main areas of knowledge. The first one, data engineering, is defined as the process of designing, building, managing, and evaluating advanced data systems and applications. The second one, data analytics, is defined as the process of deriving higher-level information from (usually large) sets of raw data.

The workshop will be hosted during the Fifth International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI), which aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in different domains in the field of informatics to exchange their expertise and discuss the perspectives of development and collaboration.

ICAI will be held from 27th to 29th October 2022. It is organized by the Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, and Universidad Continental.  The event will be held onsite at Universidad Continental in Arequipa, Peru, with the option of remote participation for those who are unable to travel. 

ICAI 2022 is proudly sponsored by: Information Technologies Innovation Research Group, Strategic Bussiness Platform and Springer.

Call for Papers

This workshop will consider papers which:


Big Data, machine learning, databases, noSQL, data analytics, optimization, data engineering.  

Important Dates

Submission Guidelines

Authors must submit an original full paper (10 to 15 pages) . We encourage Overleaf users to use CEUR template for LaTeX  in one column format. You can also download an offline version with the style files from

To submit or upload a paper please go to Easychair (  All submissions will be reviewed by two experts. Authors must remove personal details, acknowledgements section and any other information related to the authors identity.

Proceedings will be submitted to for online publication. Authors of accepted papers have to sign the Author Agreement to Publish a Contribution as Open-Access on requires authors to physically sign with a pencil on paper

Special Issue in an Open Access journal Mutis will be available soon.


For registration go to ICAI registration page

Proceedings 2022

Workshop papers shall be submitted to for online publication.

Proceedings Four International Workshop on Data Engineering and Analytics (WDEA 2021)

Workshop papers were published in CEUR-WS and indexed in scopus.

Organized by the

Masters in Data Engineering and Analytics at Jorge Tadeo University in Bogotá, Colombia

Program Committee

Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Universidad de Santander