9. Assessment, Monitoring, and Evaluation

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize the value of AME to DoD GHE activities
  2. Identify relevant DoD guidance
  3. Understand the fundamentals of Assessment, Monitoring, and Evaluation processes
  4. Describe the challenges of evaluating outcomes related to DoD GHE


Measure of Performance (MOP): indicator or metric used in PROGRAM MONITORING to assess PERFORMANCE; generally quantitative

  • ‘Are we doing what we planned to do?’
  • E.g. how many classes are we holding/day?

Measure of Effectiveness (MOE): indicator or metric used in PROGRAM EVALUATION to assess EFFECTIVENESS

  • ‘Is what we are doing having the desired effect?’
  • E.g. are students able to perform the skillset learned?
  • Planning considerations for developing MOPs:
    • Define stakeholders/oversight (who receives/review reports?)
    • Define reporting requirements (frequency of reports such as quarterly progress reports?)
    • Define fiscal accounting requirements, i.e. budget execution/financial reports and audits
  • Planning considerations for MOEs:
    • They need to be focused and targeted so they do not become unwieldy or lack utility
    • MOEs are not necessary for every program/project depending on the size and scope of the project

AME Logic Framework:

  • Inputs – resources committed to the program/project
  • Outputs – accomplishments as a result of inputs
  • Outcomes – near term benefit or change due to the program/project
  • Impact – long-term effect of the program/project

The following video is a case study on the Blood Safety Program in INDOPACOM, with a discussion of assessment, monitoring, and evaluation considerations.

Discussion Questions:

Please be prepared to discuss the following questions in addition to the required readings. They may be used in the online Sakai forums or the live VTC.

  1. How are measures of performance and measures of effectiveness different? Why is it important to have measures of both of these?
  2. Think about a program (global health or otherwise) you have been or are currently involved with. Describe the types of data you gathered and what types of measures/metrics you use(d); was it an effective way to monitor and evaluate your success?
  3. Discuss how broader strategic and operational level CCMD objectives might influence what objectives you should be measuring against at the tactical level.

After You Watch/Read/Engage:

  1. Visit the Sakai discussion forums.
  2. Join the live VTC on Thursday.
  3. Complete the Quiz before Wednesday at 2355 EST.

Looking Ahead:

  1. Next week we will explore DoD GHE as it pertains to humanitarian assistance and disaster response (HADR).
  2. The comprehensive final paper assignment (2000 words) is due May 13 at 2355 hours.