The Tool: IoT Hound

Purpose of the Tool

The core purpose of our developed IoT Forensics tool is to provide investigators with an indispensable asset for navigating the intricate landscape of digital investigations. The main function is to facilitate device identification: the tool serves as a facilitator in the identification and location of IoT devices at crime scenes, streamlining the often challenging process faced by investigators in dealing with diverse hardware, software, and connectivity. It is capable of sniffing and locating devices communicating in WiFi 2.4 GHz, Bluetooth Low-Energy, ZigBee, and 6LoWPAN.

Picture Credits: mondspeer on DeviantArt

IoT Hound Properties

The created tool is made to please from the most simple user to the most experienced. It has some features that help the user:

But is it Effective?

To validate the software's efficiency, we put it to the test in real-life scenarios, and the results speak volumes. Our testing, conducted in diverse settings, showcased the tool's seamless performance in identifying and locating IoT devices at crime scenes.

Key Highlights of Efficiency:

In conclusion, the efficiency of our IoT Forensics tool has been validated through real-world testing. It successfully navigated the challenges posed by diverse scenarios, establishing itself as a robust and efficient solution for identifying and locating IoT devices in the field.