
welcome to FINHSS

This short video announces the formation of FINHSS and our forum's intent as we set sail.

Researching Naval History in Annapolis

FINHSS hosted a roundtable panel at the 2021 McMullen Naval History Symposium with archivists, librarians, and curators from the collections available for researchers in Annapolis.  This includes the sources at the USNA Museum, Nimitz Library, and the Library and Archives of the U.S. Naval Institute.

Seapower Scuttlebutt with Radm James Goldrick, RAN (ret.)

This event was a wide ranging discussion of seapower and strategy between FINHSS Principal Associate CDR BJ Armstrong and Rear Admiral James Goldrick of the Royal Australian Navy.

Seapower Scuttlebutt with CDR Bryan Mcgrath, usn (ret.)

This event was a wide ranging discussion of seapower and strategy between FINHSS Principal Associate CDR BJ Armstrong and Bryan McGrath, reflecting on the 15th anniversary of the release of the joint Navy/Marine Corps/Coast Guard strategy A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower.

Ray Lecture with DR. Catherine MuseMeche

This event was a collaboration between the Naval Academy Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences and FINHSS to highlight the naval history of the oceanic world and the development of science and technology.  The Timothy Ray Lecture, supported by the Ray family and the USNA Foundation, brought Dr. Catherine Musmeche to The Yard to share her research on the groundbreaking oceanographer and WWII naval officer Mary Sears and the contributions made by the women of the WAVES to both oceanic science and the combat operations of the war.