Sensory Center

Celebrating Abilities Creating Possibilities

The Sensory Center is located at our Ogden Campus. The center is available to all families in our program. Visits should be scheduled through your PIP Provider. Our Sensory Center provides a place where parents and their child can come to learn more about topics related to vision impairment in young children, see examples of adapted materials, and equipment, and explore technology in a variety of rooms for every child to enjoy. Each room in the center is dedicated to specific tasks and learning opportunities.

Literacy Room

Braille and print books for young children, books adapted with textures, book examples for low vision, story bags and story boxes (how to make and use), Braille readiness, tactile activities, alphabet awareness materials and low vision aids (magnifiers, monocular, CCTV, reading stand, line marker, etc.) can be found in the Literacy Room.

Orientation & Mobility

The Orientation & Mobility room contains sensory motor activity ideas and equipment, ideas and equipment for working on motor skills, balance, and gross motor play, examples of adapted mobility devices, canes, and a trailing wall.

Sensory Room

Light box and low vision play materials, materials for use with children with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI). Explore a variety of light toys and materials, computer software for visual learning,, fiber optic lights and a bubble tube in a dark/low light atmosphere.

Toddler Group Class

Children 18 mo - 3yr, Literacy Corner, large group area, sensory play, fine motor manipulation, taught by providers serving our families in the area.

Parent Library

Books and pamphlets specific to topics on visual impairments available for checkout to parents and families of children with blindness or visual impairments

Tactile Room

Materials to use in water play, messy play activities, texture activities and materials, physical knowledge activities (Dirt, rocks, shells, wood, metals, plants, etc.)


Model for setting up daily care area with low vision adaptations using contrast, color, size, trays, organizations, etc., model for setting up daily care area with compensatory adaptations, bath time activities and positioning equipment, adaptations for daily hygiene and toileting