Class Information


1st hour - Spanish I

2nd hour - Spanish II

3rd hour - Spanish I

4th hour - Planning

5th hour - Spanish I

6th hour - Spanish III and IV

7th hour - Spanish II

I do expect each student to come to class with his/her 3-ring notebook, notes, paper, and pencil and Chromebook.

Grading Categories

Class Discussion/Pronunciation - 10% of overall grade

Listening Activities - 20% of overall grade

Daily Work - 10% of overall grade

Quizzes - 20% of overall grade

Tests - 40% of overall grade

I allow students to hand in daily work up to 2 days after the due date with no penalty incurred. If the work comes in 3 days late, there is a 30% deduction on the assignment; 4 days late for a 40% deduction; 5 days late for a 50% deduction. Work is not accepted after it is 5 days late.