Through Misinformation


Before you start to read or select a website from the list of results, STOP and think. Can you trust this site? What does the URL of the site tell you about the source?  

Investigate the Source


If you don't know who it is, how can you be sure you can trust them? Do a search to see if they are trustworthy. Why are they posting the information? Is it to provide facts, persuade, distort, or sell. Is it satire? Check the bias of the site. 

Find Trusted Coverage

Verify the information is correct by finding it on more than one reliable and trustworthy site. Open up a new tab and go to a source you know and trust.

Trace the Information Back to the Original Context

A lot of the information online, especially on social media, has been stripped of the original context. This is often used deceptively by biased sources. It is important to ask yourself "is there more to this story than what they are showing or telling me?"