Three Goals

Personalized Learning/ Real World Applications

Create student engagement in learning that increases rigor and encourages them to take risks and shows development of time/self management.

Student Success Skills

Provide students with coping skills that will help them with stress, anxiety, depression, and fears.

Guide students in setting goals and learning how to self regulate and manage time.

Real World Applications/ Community Partnerships

Provide opportunities for students to practice life skills and social skills that indicate professionalism based on variety of situations and people.


The staff is working in three goal investigation teams to create a list of possible strategies that could be utilized to reach these goals. Once the strategy list is in place, we will begin researching and exploring to find the ones that best fit our students' needs. This could include actual visits, skype/zoom visits, conversations, as well as more traditional methods of research to gather feedback and data. Then after the first of the year, we will try out some of the strategies.

The four principles of redesign that the process is built upon. All decisions are based around these ideas.