The SWAT Team would like to thank you in advance for any and all donations to our classrooms and SWAT Shop. All items will go directly to rewarding students or enhancing and enriching their learning environment. We cannot do what we do without your support. Thank you so much!

What is the SWAT Shop? SWAT Shop is our reward store. Students have the opportunity to earn SWAT "flies" by following expectations, going above and beyond, earning rewards during class activities/games, and various other ways through the day. Each week students will have 1-2 opportunities to trade in their flies for items in our store. Below you will find our Amazon Wish Lists, as well as general lists of popular items that can be purchased in bulk at local retailers. Ideal items come in packs of 12 or more to accommodate sharing. Any items purchased locally can be sent with your student to any SWAT teacher OR left in the security office with a note for SWAT Team. 

SWAT Shop Popular Items

Don't know what to get but want to contribute? We love Walmart gift cards and are happy to do the shopping!