Welcome to ELA Class!

My name is Mrs. Wiles and I'm the English Language Arts Teacher on the SWAT team.  This is my 28th year teaching and my 28th year in the building :)  I never thought I'd love teaching middle school, but almost three decades later and I'm STILL LOVING IT!

In my free time I enjoy reading, working in the yard, traveling, and hanging out with my family.  I have four kids ranging in ages 16-34 and I'm the proud grandparent of three kiddos!  

I set high expectations for all of my students and push them to be and do their very best.  Please feel free to reach out at any time.  wilesane@usd437.net

E L A   a t   a   G L A N C E

Access the Online Textbook here

Quarter 1

Rites of Passage

Quarter 2

Human Intelligence

Quarter 3

The Holocaust

Quarter 4

What Matters