Meet Mrs. Hall


Hi Blue Jays!

I am so excited to help connect you with great books and become passionate readers this year!  This will be my 19th year teaching at Jay Shideler!  I taught 2nd & 3rd grades for 12 years and this is my 7th year as the Librarian.  I absolutely love being in the library and getting to know all students in all grade levels.  That is the best part of my job!  I also love matching students with books they love and getting to hear about their absolute favorites.  

When I'm not at school, you can find me spending time with my family.  My husband, Brian, and I have two children who go to WRHS & JS and we are usually busy on the weekends with their activities.  We also love to spend time together kayaking, boating, cooking, and playing card games.  I also love READING in my spare time!

If you have any questions or need help, I am here for you!

~Mrs. Hall

Questions?  Email me: