7th Grade Social Studies

Social Studies

Kansas History

First semester we will cover a variety of time periods in Kansas history, incorporating geography, economics and current events.

World Geography

Second semester we will focus on the geography of the western hemisphere and it’s culture and customs. I look forward to sharing my love of history and social studies with you!


Always have your charged Chromebook, a pencil bag with individual supplies such as pencils, markers, scissors, glue sticks and ear buds. Students can choose either a small binder or a pocket folder for their social studies classwork. They will need notebook paper in either the binder or the folder.

We will utilize Google Classroom for classwork as most work will be in a digital format.

Grading Scale

All grading is on a total points scale. Low scores for daily assignments and missing work will severely affect your grade. The following is the grading scale:

A=100-90% B=89-80% C=79-70% D=69-60%

As a middle school student you must understand the importance of being responsible for yourself and your work. Late work may be handed in one day after the due date for a 20% deduction. Once a test/assessment is given over a unit, any work not turned in will not be accepted.