About Me

At the Grand Canyon watching the sunset this summer!

About Me

The 2023-2024 school year will be my 11th year teaching.  This will be my first year at Andover, but I have previously taught for seven years at Winfield High School and three years at Truesdell Middle School in Wichita.  After graduating high school from Andover, I graduated from Wichita State University in 2004 with a Bachelor of Business Administration and minors in Finance and Management.  I worked for a Wichita HVAC manufacturer for several years in product marketing.  After volunteering with youth at my church, Chapel Hill United Methodist, I decided I wanted to change careers so I could spend time with youth (instead of so many hours in a cubicle).  From that point, I completely turned my life upside down and returned to school.  I graduated in 2013 again from Wichita State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Middle Level Education with Certification to teach grades 5-8 and 6-12.  I went on to complete my graduate degree while teaching my first two years of teaching.  I graduated in 2015 from Fort Hays State University with a Masters in Instructional Technology.  

At Winfield, I coached volleyball for 6 years, softball for 1 year, and soccer for 2 years.  I was the Math Department Chair and on the Technology Integration Committee. 

I am not married, but I am a foster, dog, and cat mom.  I have a dog, Dakota, and a cat, Cooper.  I do not currently have any foster children, but that can change at any time.  I hosted an exchange student from Spain last school year.  I love spending my non-teaching time working on crafty things - quilting, scrapbooking, cross stitching.  I also love to work on projects around the house and my yard.

Cooper, 3 year old tabby

Dakota, 13 year old lab

With my niece, nephew, and exchange daughter at Willis Tower in Chicago, 2023