Project Lead

Project LEAD has been the after school program at Lincoln and Garfield since 2011. We meet every day after school from 3:35-5:35. Monday - Thursday students are provided with a snack, academic time, enrichment time, PE time, and social time, on Fridays we still have a snack but focus on team-building and whole group activities.

To enroll your student print and use the form and send to school with your student, or we can send a hard copy home for you. Once your paperwork is returned to school we need 24 hours to process paperwork and add your student to the program. However, we do offer a same day enrollment for students new to the district, and foster children.

You may enroll for just one day a week, for two days a week, three days, four or five days a week. We also offer the program on early release Fridays from dismissal - 5:35, and you may choose to enroll in ONLY early release Fridays or include those as part of your regular enrollment.

SUMMER PROGRAM: The summer program is open to all Lincoln and Garfield kids K-5 of the current school year. There are 4 day long camps - each with a different theme. The program runs from 8:00 - 5:30 on Tuesdays in June. Breakfast, lunch and a snack are provided - waivers are also available.

For specific questions about LEAD @ Lincoln email Site Director Mrs. Avery

For specific questions about LEAD @ Garfield email Site Director Mrs Dreher

For general questions about the program email Program Director Ms. Sorensen

"Project LEAD-we want to be the place the kids want to be!"