Monday, March 30th


Morning Work

Visual Phonics: Use the Visual Phonics sheet to help your child practice their letters and letter sounds.

Fine Motor

Alphabet Coloring Page: In one of your child's brad folders are alphabet pages they have been coloring. Have them find the letter X and color the picture of the xylophone.


Listen and dance to the Party Freeze Game Freeze Dance.


Weather Graph: Have the children go outside each day and observe what the weather is and have them graph what the weather is like that day. We will do this all week.

Number Bingo: Use the BINGO cards and the number cards in your Monday baggie to play Number Bingo. (Cheerios, Fruit Loops, Coins are all great to cover the numbers on the cards).

Story Time

The Wind Blew (Online Story): Click the link and let your child listen to the story. After listening to the story talk about new words and what they mean, does this story remind you of anything (memories, a place, tv show?), have your child retell you the story in order.

Letter X Introduction


Introduce Letter Xx- Video

The Wind Blew Story Sequencing. Have your child take the blue strip of paper and pictures. Have them glue the pictures on the blue strip in the order they happened in the story. You can then cut a slit in the cloud where he is blowing wind, and place the sequencing strip through there. They can retell the story in order by pulling the strip through the cloud.


Go on a nature walk outside. Look for things that need sunshine to survive.