Sheets Mini-Project

The below is a mini-project to apply what you have learned in the Google Sheets training videos.

Create a spreadsheet to keep track of your students' grades. Design a grade sheet that uses a weighted system for all course assignments and uses a grade curve table similar to those provided in your example documents and video tutorials. Include a chart that displays the grade distribution of at least 10 fictitious students. Also be sure to designate a place that shows the class average, min, max, and median values. Add any other enhancements that you think could be helpful.

**Remember, you will most likely need to enter fictitious student data into the grade sheet **

Remember, what a "weighted" grading scheme means is that regardless of the number of points certain categories may have, the grades are calculated by giving the categories certain weights.

So, for example, imagine you had 3 quizzes that used 100 point scales and 1 test that also used a 100 point scale. You think the test should be worth much more than a quiz, say, 4 times as much. So, the "weight" of the grading category will be "test 80%" and "quiz 20%". (The grade weight percentages have to add up to 100%.) If you add up all the points earned by the student, the grade would be based on 400 points, with only one quarter of those points coming from the test, so that's not what you want.

So, to weight it properly, you average each of the category grades separately, then take the weighted percentage of each of the categories to calculate the final grade.

In the example, say a student earned on the 3 quizzes: 90, 90 and 90. The student got a 50 on the test. The weighted grade would be ((90+90+90)/3 * .20) + ((50)/1 * .80) for a final grade of 58.?

Checklist for Google Spreadsheet grade sheet:

  • Create a grade sheet in Google Spreadsheets.
  • Enter fictitious student data.
  • Use a weighted system for all course assignments.
  • Include a chart that displays grade distribution.
  • Include average, min, max, and median grade for the class.
  • Share the google sheet with

Below is an example solution. Yours does not have to be exactly the same, but this will give you an idea on what the solution could be.

The below video shows how the above solution was achieved.

Please try to finish your project before watching the video.