Every Year

Preparing for a career and making plans to attend college after high school requires organization, planning, and preparation. Ultimately, you want to make the best possible choices now in order to have the most options available to you later. To be prepared for any option, including college, do the following throughout your high school years:

  • Take rigorous courses

  • Make the best grades you possibly can

  • Get involved in school activities and find ways to serve in your community

  • Develop your skills and talents and pursue your personal interests

  • Gather information about your college and career choices and options

  • Save money for college or career training.

Lets keep in touch

  1. Join the CCC on Microsoft Teams with join code y2hbhzs

  2. Follow the CCC on Twitter @sebuffccc

  3. Join the CCC remind group for seniors

    • Text phone number: 81010

    • Students with last name A - K should send the message: @sebuff24

    • Students with last name L - Z should send the message: @sebuff2024

To get into college and prepare for a career,

you need to do specific things each year in high school.

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