North Lessons

Lesson Overview 

This is the site to use during advocacy to provide information about Wichita North High. These lessons will be a guide to introduce students to North High's History, Connections to Native Americans, School Spirit, Architecture, Mascot, and finally the celebrations associated with North High. 

Below you will find a short overview of each lesson and a link to the lesson with videos, handouts and PowerPoints to provide information all about North. 

  Lessons of North 

It's important for our students to know our building inside and out. In this lesson, you will find a guide to the building and its important landmarks that everyone should know. Using the school agenda, students will fill out a worksheet (without leaving the classroom) on important locations around the building. The second document will be a PowerPoint with the answers to review as a class. 
Link to files: Location/Features of North 

This is an introduction lesson to our new mascot, the RedHawks. You will find a PowerPoint that includes a video and article that covers the choice of the new mascot. Students will review this information and fill out a worksheet.
Link to files: Intro To Mascot.pptx   Introducing the New Logo ACTIVITY '23-'24.docx   Introducing Logo Activity ANSWERS (23-24).docx 

North High is known for their loud and exciting assemblies. In this section, you will find North High School's expectations during assemblies. This includes each class's chant, colors and class song.
Link to files: Pep Assembly Expectations.pptx 

It's no secret that Kansas lands were lands of the Native American people, but North High's location specifically has ties and connections to Native Americans. This lesson provides information covering Native Americans and the connections we share as a community. In this section, you will find a student worksheet and a PowerPoint to review as a class.
Link to files: History of land of North.pptx   Digital Student Copy -- History of North Activity.doc   Printable Student Copy -- History of North Activity.doc 

North High is one beautiful building right off the river. This lesson is to provide information about North High and the history of our building. In this section, you will find a PowerPoint with an introduction to North High's building with a link to a form.
Link to files: History of North.pptx   North History Lesson Description.docx 

North High has many celebrations created by Alumni through the years. In this section you will find out more information about the celebrations North High has from some Alumni Staff members that are currently teaching here.
Link to files: Celebrations of North High 

Need a fun activity? Advocacy students have the chance to play some traditional bingo all about North. This activity can be a review of the previous lessons.
Link to files: North Traditions Bingo (23-24).pdf