Natural Framing

This is an example of Structural Framing because the two pillars frame the Chrome Book in the middle of it.

This is an example of Low Light, it frames the window with rain drops on it.

This is an example of Low Light, it frames the little circle on the white bored.

This is an example of Structural Framing because the bars on this rocking chair frame the pillow on the couch.

This an example of Low Light because the low light frames the poster under the light.

This is an example of Framing with a prop because this prop frames the table.

This is an example of Framing with a prop, the prop frames the rocking chair.

This is an example of Framing with a prop, the prop frames the rain drop.

Structural Framing

The two pillars on the side frame the poster in the middle with the smaller poster.

Framing with a prop

The prop used in this photo frames the computer.