Language Arts

Language Arts With Mrs. Flaigle

This is a word cloud that I made in Mrs, Flaigle's class. This word cloud is of all the things that make me happy. The words I put in this word cloud are Family, Friends, Art, Pizza, Popcorn, Movies, Sleep, Baby's are asleep, Teal, Weekends, and Cats.

Language Arts With Mrs. Flaigle

In Mrs Flaigle's we are doing a novel study over Temple Grandin and her life. Temple is a girl with autism and with that autism she helps cows and other animals.She helped them have a better living space, how they get killed, how people should treat them, and she replaced the dip vats. A dip vat is where they would get clean if they have scabies. Now you are probably thinking what are scabies? Scabies are a disease that makes eggs underneath animals skin,and when the eggs hatch that cause itching. Also if they itch to hard they will scratch off skin.