7th Grade

This page is dedicated to my Seventh Grade year at Allison Traditional Magnet Middle School.

7th Grade Technology

Air Racer 3D Model

I created this while our class was doing a unit on modeling, a process I found fascinating and equally frustrating. I cannot recall whether this was my first time working with 3D modeling or my second one.

Google Forms Survey on Video Games

A google forms survey I created during my 7th grade year. I do not recall why we created these surveys, but I know for certain it was for a grade. I, being the nerd I am, created a survey on a person's personal experiences/opinions with video games.

Orthographic Stair.pdf

Orthographic Stair PDF file

A blueprint (I know it had a specific name, but I tend to forget) that was created after the successful process of creating a 3D-modeled staircase.