December 2021

From The Principals Desk

December is one of my favorite times of the year. Cold weather, snow, Christmas, college football, family, food, and much more.

Yet, what makes December great is that it is the ushering in of a new year. We spend time reflecting on the year that has been and look forward to the year that is ahead. The school year is much the same. Yes, we are halfway through the school year, yet the turning of the calendar symbolizes a new and fresh start. For students, the beginning of a new semester is an excellent opportunity to kick off new habits and routines. I have a few suggestions that might help them academically.

-Use a planner and write down assignments after each class.

-Have an organized locker.

-Set aside time each day for homework.

-Ask questions.

-Read more.

-Utilize phone-free time each day.

Take some time this month to reflect on the semester with your student. Talk about what is working and areas that need some adjustments.

Thanks for an adventure-filled first semester as a Maverick!

Mr. Goertzen

Staff LEAD awards for December!


8th grade Mavericks are exploring careers with the help of the SHHS CTE department. Beginning November 29th and continuing through February, 8th graders have the opportunity to explore careers in six different clusters: Health Science, Engineering, Media & Technology, Family & Consumer Sciences, Business & Marketing, and Agriculture. SHMS is partnering with the SHHS CTE program to provide learning sessions for interested 8th-grade students as they prepare for high school enrollment.

Director of CTE, Clay Frigon, says the objective is to, “familiarize the students with our program offerings and what they have to look forward to” when attending SHHS. It also helps them plan their class enrollment and begin to think seriously about what careers they might be interested in pursuing.

According to the Spring Hill High School website, “The Spring Hill USD 230 Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs . . . offer students a sequence of courses relevant to technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare students for a smooth transition from high school to postsecondary education (technical colleges, community colleges, and universities), apprenticeship opportunities, the military, and/or to the workplace.”

8th graders may attend any of the sessions, which are offered during WIN time on November 29, December 13, January 10, 24, and 31, and February 7. Interested students must sign up using the Google form shared with them by administration.

CTE Career Clusters.pdf


The SHMS StuCo delivered food to the Spring Hill Food Pantry on November 29th. The food was collected in a “block the door” food drive at SHMS during the week of November 15-19. Students brought food to block “doorways” of classrooms and those teachers with blocked doors gave a free day to students on Tuesday, November 23rd.

StuCo timed their donation to help replenish the pantry’s foodstuffs right after the Thanksgiving holiday. While at the food pantry, students sorted and organized food donations and stocked the shelves. Many expressed surprise at how much work goes into setting up and running a food pantry. StuCo Sponsor Lindsay Davey expressed that she wished the students also could have participated in a distribution event with the public to witness the true impact the pantry makes in the community.

The Spring Hill Food Pantry is located at 210 N. Webster. For those wanting to deliver donations it is recommended you contact Sharon Rethmeyer at 592-5433. Rethmeyer also noted that March & April months see fewer donations and food drives from local organizations would be very welcome in the spring.


CHAMPS is not a program but rather a framework for decision-making and a compilation of how-to strategies that support teachers in the very skills that have been associated with student success.

CHAMPS is a systematic, prevention-oriented approach that guides teachers in providing universal classroom supports likely to promote appropriate behavior and reduce disruptive behavior in the classroom.

Once a teacher has implemented the core supports, there is guidance for how to structure supports that target smaller groups or individual students who need additional supports.

Multi-Tiered System of Supports - WIN Time at Spring Hill Middle School

Spring Hill Middle System of Intervention.pdf
Spring Hill Middle System of Intervention - Google Docs.mp4
WIN Choice Board

We have added additional WIN time options for students. The new options are teacher directed.

Words Matter - SHMS student meeting Fall 2021

Squirt Top Bottles

**We have found an increase in the popular squirt top bottles at SHMS. The bottle provides rapid water for students in both intended and unintended places. Water is easily sprayed from the bottles on the floors, MacBooks and peers causing water damage and slipping incidents. Please consider alternative tops for water bottles to help prevent further accidents.**

PLC - Wednesdays

On Wednesdays throughout the 2021-22 school year, time will be provided for teachers to engage in professional activities which have been shown to improve student learning. This results in early release at the elementary level and late arrival at the secondary level. In collaboration with the YMCA, the district will provide learning activities for students during this time to avoid inconveniences for parents. Registration for students to participate in PLC Time is required and is free for all families.

Visit our website for more information about PLC Time or to register your student.

Schedule for Y-Club Activities


Y-Club Activities Begin

-To participate in Y-Club students must be present by 8:10am and registered through the Y-Club

-Students who arrive after 8:20am will be in a common supervised area until the end of Y-Club


Y-Club activities end & all students will be moved to the gym.


-Students are dismissed to lockers


-The academic day begins

2021/2022 District-wide assessment change.

Traffic Flow Guide

Student Morning drop off

Walkers are welcome to enter the building on the front (south) or rear (north) entrance.

Bike riders should enter on the rear school entrance where the bike rack is available.

Updates and Additional Information

  • Students WILL be utilizing their lockers for the 2021/2022 school year. Student backpacks need to remain in their lockers for the school day.

  • Students will be asked to keep their cell phones put away during the school day unless specified by a teacher for an instructional activity. We ask families to help support the phone-free classrooms by contacting the school for student needs and or emailing your child.


MIddle School Survival guide!