Still Very Precarious: Reprising Woolf's "Think we must"

(Plenary Address)

Carrie Rohman is Professor of English at Lafayette College. She has published widely in animal studies, modernism, and performance, in such journals as Deleuze Studies, Modernism/modernity, American Literature, Modern Fiction Studies, Hypatia, and a number of edited volumes. She is the author of Stalking the Subject: Modernism and the Animal (Columbia UP 2009) and Choreographies of the Living: Bioaesthetics in Literature, Art, and Performance (Oxford UP 2018), and co-editor with Kristin Czarnecki of Virginia Woolf and the Natural World (Clemson Digital UP 2011). Rohman is on the editorial board of the Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature series. She also worked as a modern dancer and choreographer within and outside of the academy for more than twenty years, and is more recently an avid painter.