IEEE Computational Biofilm Engineering and Applications Workshop.

Held in conjunction with IEEE BIBM 2022

Las Vegas, NV, USA

Workshop Day: December 7th 2022

IEEE BIBM Conference: December 6-7 , 2022

CBEAST (read see-beast) 2022 Overview

Biofilms grow practically on every surface exposed to aqueous environments, including but not limited to metals, polymers, living tissues and medical implants. They are widely researched in agricultural, industrial, and life science domains. Biofilms can be incredibly beneficial or exceedingly harmful. For example, detached cells from pathogenic biofilms are known to transmit pathogens in food production facilities, water pipelines, and medical devices. The U.S alone spends ~$90 billion every year to deal with the associated infection challenges. Sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), a special class of microorganisms are adept in colonizing and growing on metal surfaces. Furthermore, they play a pivotal role in accelerating corrosion of these surfaces and use the oxidizing power to meet their metabolic needs. This special class of corrosion, known as microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) is responsible for expenditure ~ $4 billion/year in the United States. Many other biofilms have been reported to thrive in the most known harsh conditions including the hot environments in deep biospheres (e.g., abandoned gold mines) as well as hot springs (Yellowstone national park). To solve these vexing problems, there is a need to develop focused transdisciplinary collaborations that cross typical disciplinary and organizational boundaries. This workshop will introduce a set of deep engineering science questions and pressing biofilm challenges, and subsequently the artificial intelligence (AI)-based data-driven approaches and bioinformatics tool for studying them. The participants will appreciate the need to embrace data science and AI resources for gaining a precise control over the early stages of biofilm growth. We will discuss recent advances in to address biofilm ecology challenges.

Workshop agenda


This first session will emphasize (but not limited to):

(1) computational methods for biofilm analyses;

(2) biofilm phenotypical responses;

(3) rules of life of biofilms grown on various surfaces;

(4) system biology and quorum sensing of biofilms;

(5) modeling biofilm–material interfaces;

(6) systems biology approaches for solving biofilm challenges, including tools of computer vision tools for biofilm image analysis, Artificial Intelligence approaches for biofilm detection, genomics, metagenomics of the microbiome community, and biofilm;

(7) biofilm dataset collection, information database, and data mining processes;

(8) predictive tools and artificial intelligence for analyzing biofilm at different omics levels;

(9) bioinformatics tools for biofilm engineering;

(10) biofilms in health and disease;

(11) plant biofilms;

(12) computer simulation models to study biofilm development and dynamics.


You are invited to submit a full paper, long abstract, and short abstract to consider for review through the online submission system for Workshops available at (

(1) Full paper: submit a full-length paper is an original work up to 8 pages (IEEE 2-column format). You can download the format instructions at (

(2) Long abstract: 2 pages research or application use case.

(3) Short abstract to consider as poster, tutorial, or demo application.

Note: Electronic submissions in PDF are required. Selected participants will be asked to submit their revised papers in a format to be specified at the time of acceptance.

Key Dates

Nov 10, 2022: Due date for full workshop papers submission

Nov 1, 2022: Due date for full workshop papers submission

Nov 15, 2022: Notification of paper acceptance to authors

Nov. 21, 2022: Camera-ready of accepted papers

Dec. 6-8, 2022: Workshops

Review Process

All papers will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Reviewers will include the program committee members (experts from the field).

Special issue

Selected articles will be invited to submit an extended version to be published after the review process in a special journal issue.

Invited Speakers

Adam Arkin, PhD.

Professor, Senior Faculty Scientist, Department of Bioengineering, Berkeley University of California, USA

The Arkin laboratory for systems and synthetic biology seeks to uncover the evolutionary design principles of cellular networks and populations and to exploit them for applications. To do so they are developing a framework to effectively combine comparative functional genomics, quantitative measurement of cellular dynamics, biophysical modeling of cellular networks, and cellular circuit design to ultimately facilitate applications in health, the environment, and bioenergy. We lead three major projects: The Ecosystems and Networks Integrated with Genes and Molecular Assemblies (ENIGMA) program which seek to advance a predictive, mechanistic understanding of microbial biology and the impact of microbial communities on their ecosystems; The DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBase) is a software and data science platform designed to meet the grand challenge of transparent, reusable, reproducible systems biology: predicting and designing biological function; and the Center for Utilization of Biological Engineering in Space (CUBES) which aims to create a high efficiency sustainable and regenerable biomanufacturing platform for functional food, pharmaceuticals and materials for prolonged deep space missions.

Mathew Fields, PhD.

Director CBE, Montana, USA

Dr. Matthew Fields is a professor in the Department of Microbiology & Cell Biology and also serves as Director of the Center for Biofilm Engineering at Montana State University. Biofilms impact both applied and fundamental aspects of biology and engineering and require multi-disciplinary approaches in both research and education. The Center for Biofilm Engineering (CBE) is a center of excellence for research, education, and outreach; where students work with faculty and researchers in an interdisciplinary environment addressing both fundamental and applied questions in biofilm science. He also serves on BERAC for the U.S. Department of Energy to provide guidance on biological and environmental research important to the U.S. DOE. His laboratory uses molecular ecology and physiology to study microbial communities associated with different environments.

Sen Subramanian, PhD.


Dr. Sen Subramanian is currently Professor and Graduate program coordinator in the Department of Agronomy, horticulture and plant science at South Dakota State University. His lab is interested in plant-microbe interactions in particular understanding hormone regulation during soybean root nodule development. Prior to his current position, he was a post-doctoral associate at the Danforth Plant Science center in St Louis MO working with Dr. Oliver Yu. He obtained his PhD degree from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology working with Dr. Chris Rock.

Paul Stoodley, PhD.

Professor, Microbial Infection and ImmunityDirector, Campus Microscopy and Imaging Facility

Dr. Stoodley's lab has shown that surgical site infection from bacterial biofilms is a major complication associated with all medical devices including orthopaedic implants, catheters, and sutures and meshes. Dr. Stoodley's lab has also shown that dental plaque biofilms are a leading cause of caries, gingivitis and periodontitis. Biofilms also grow on industrial surfaces such as ship hulls and pipelines, where they increase drag, cause corrosion and can contaminate product. If bacteria are allowed to contact with surfaces biofilms are extremely difficult to prevent and treat and remain a major healthcare and industrial challenge. The research goal of the Stoodley lab is to identify key processes involved in biofilm development and persistence on the lab bench and in clinical and industrial settings, with the applied aim of improved prevention, diagnostic and treatment strategies.

Organization Team


Program Committee

PostDoc and Students Organizers

Alain Bomgni (Postdoc) - Vincent Peta (Postdoc) - Ram Singh (Postdoc) - Brel Jagho (PhD) - Tuyen Do (MS)


Financial support will be available to support students and postdoctoral researcher for registration and attendance cost. More for application will come soon. ...

CBEAS Fellows 2022

  • TBD


At least one author of an accepted paper needs to register in order to have the paper published in the proceedings. Registration information is available at link.

Partners and Funding Support


International Center on Biofilm Engineering


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[SD BRIN Bioinformatics Core]

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Previous Workshops: |CBEAS 2021 | CBEAS 2022 |