
Hi! I'm Stacie! My pronouns are she/her/hers. I'm a current PhD candidate in Linguistics at the University of Southern California. I am originally from Salt Lake City, Utah and currently living in Los Angeles. I received my Bachelor of Arts degree and TESOL certification at The University of Utah. After a year of teaching, I decided to return to research beginning my journey at Stony Brook University, where I received my Masters of Arts degree in linguistics focusing on incorporating articulatory phonology principles into a model theory for phonology. I am currently building off of the work from my Master's degree by considering alternative modeling theories in both syntax and phonology.

In addition to my studies I create and produce an educational podcast about language and linguistics with my friend EJ Petterson called For the Love of Language.


[2015] - [2018]

University of Utah

Bachelor of Arts Degree


[2019 - [2020]

Stony Brook University

Master of Arts Degree


[2021] - [Present]

University of Southern California



[Date] - [Date]


Complete CV