Work Experience

Machine Learning Engineer - Parfait Feb 2022 - Present

  • Modelling and extracting facial key points using novel Machine Learning algorithms to match and customize tailored hair, extensions for customers just from their home comfort.

Research Bioinformatician (Machine Learning)- Cedars Sinai Medical Center (BioImage Informatics Lab) July 2021 - Feb 2022

  • Implemented Computer Vision and Machine Learning algorithms to whole slide images, by first anonymizing the slides, and feature extraction, texture segmentation to measure P values for making cluster of Paneth cells for 5 stages cancer classification using K-means.

Computer Vision and Deep Learning Intern - Norfolk Southern Cooperation. January 2021 - May 2021

  • Computer Vision approach for railway track defect detection.

  • Deep Learning semantic segmentation for airhose detection along with localization and evaluating test time accuracy.

Machine Learning Intern - Frenzy AI. October 2020 - January 2021

  • Modelling Visual Search using ElasticSearch and KNN and getting recommendation for similar products.

  • Passing Query image through the API call, getting the image tags from the deployed deep learning model to perform similarity search in around 1 – 1.5 second to display top 30 results.

  • Building an H-CNN and R-CNN using Tensorflow, Exception, VGG-16, Resnet, Mobilenet frameworks and training new models from ground truth data of clothing categories dataset.