Call for Participation

Call for Poster: Southern California Data Science Day

KDD 2023 is hosted at the heart of Southern California. At the same time, Southern California is home to a number of world-class academic institutions and industrial research and development labs, spearheading fundamental and applied AI and Data Science research. Our goals, as part of this special day, are to highlight and celebrate the research and development efforts happening in the broader Southern California region and broaden participation of underrepresented groups to KDD. During this special day, we are going to have a number of exciting activities, including:

Call for poster contributions

We solicit invited and contributed posters which highlight research themes that are prominent and pioneered in the broader Southern California area and/or involve challenging real-world problems that emerge in the area. The research themes we have identified are applications of AI and Data Science to the following key domains:

The above list is indicative and non-exhaustive. We welcome additions to the themes from the community, in the form of contributed submissions.

The call for contributions is open to the entire community.  We highly encourage and welcome submissions describing research primarily conducted by undergraduate or graduate students. For student submissions, we also require there to be a faculty member who is advising the student in their research to endorse the submission.

Poster submissions are limited to 2 pages (excluding references) in the same ACM template as the main KDD 2023 conference submissions. Submissions should contain all author information and should identify one or more of the research themes that most closely align with the submission. Submissions will be reviewed for relevance and quality. Please submit your poster to:

Accepted contributions are considered non-archival and will be hosted in online/PDF form on this website.

Accepted contributions will be presented as posters during the special day, which will tentatively take place on Aug. 7, 2023. Detailed instructions for poster preparation and scheduling will be sent out to presenters ahead of time.

Student support

Thanks to SIGKDD, we are planning to support the registration fees of undergraduate and graduate students who wish to attend and present their work during the Southern California Data Science Day. All submissions that are led by students are automatically considered for support. Given limited availability of funds, not all submissions may be awarded support, and the quality of submission will be considered in the selection process. We highly encourage students from underrepresented backgrounds to submit their work.  As part of the submission, we require a short letter from the student’s faculty advisor who can provide an endorsement for the student, and describe how the student’s participation will benefit them in their future plans.

For any questions, please send us an email at: