

Psycholinguistics, Sentence Processing, Bilingualism, Code-switching, Cross-linguistic variation, L2 Acquisition


Kim, Silvia & Kaiser, Elsi (To appear). Interpretation of Korean Null Pronouns in subject and object position: Comparing native and non- native speakers. Proceedings of the 95th annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America.

Kim, Silvia. (2020). Spanish in contact with Korean: New insights into language switching. Cuadernos De Lingüística Hispánica, (36).

Kim, Silvia. (2015) “Dos artes en vinculación, en la narrativa breve de Felisberto Hernández”, in Sincronía, No. 68: 122-137.

Kwon, J., et al. [co-author]. (2015) Aymara Language Research, The Altai Society of Korea Publishing, Seoul.

Kwon, J., et al. [co-author]. (2015) Aymara Language Vocabulary, The Altai Society of Korea Publishing, Seoul.

Research Experience


Development of Hunminjeongeum Based Multi-Language Input Platform and Educational Material for Creative Cultural Industry of Hyper-Connectivity Society (Principal investigator: Hyeonhee Lee), Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Korea.


Fieldwork in La Paz, Bolivia (Aymara Language Research)


Aymara Language Research (Principal investigator: Jae-il Kwon), National Research Foundation of Korea, Korea.


  • Kim, S. & Kaiser, E. (2021). Interpretation of Korean null pronouns in subject and object position: Comparing native and non-native speakers. The 95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, USA. [talk]

  • Kim, S. & Kaiser, E. (2020). Interpretation of Korean null pronouns: Testing sensitivity to coherence relations in native speakers and second language learners. The 26th Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing Conference, Potsdam, Germany. [poster]

  • Kim, S. & Kaiser, E. (2019). English-Korean Code-switching: Bound Morpheme Switches by Heritage Speakers. California Meeting on Psycholinguistics 3, UC Santa Cruz, USA. [talk]

  • Kim, S. & Kaiser, E. (2019). English-Korean code-switching: Looking beyond balanced bilinguals and beyond Indo-European. The 25th Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing Conference, Moscow, Russia. [talk]

  • Kim, S. & Kaiser, E. (2019). Spanish in contact with Korean: New insights into language switching. 27th Conference on Spanish in the U.S. & 12th Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages, Cleveland State University, USA. [talk]

  • Kim, Silvia (2017). Resolution of Ambiguous Prepositional Phrases in Code-switching. Bilingualism Matters, University of California Riverside, USA. [poster]

  • Kim, Silvia & Man-Ki Lee. (2017). Role of the Implicit Prosody in Code-switched Ambiguous Prepositional Phrases. Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference, Menorca (Balearic Islands), Spain. [talk]

  • Kim, Silvia. (2016). Implicit Prosody in the Disambiguation of Spanish Prepositional Phrases. Congreso de Invierno de la Asociación Coreana de Hispanistas 2016, Kyung Hee University, Korea. [talk]

  • Kim, Silvia. (2016). Contribution of the Implicit Prosody in the Resolution of Spanish Ambiguous Prepositional Phrases. BK 21 & GSI Presentation, Seoul National University, Korea. [talk]

  • Kim, Silvia. (2016). Differences between Spanish Monolinguals and Spanish-English Bilinguals in the Parsing of Prepositional Phrases. 2016 Annual Conference of the Korean Society for Psycholinguistics (Joint Conference with the Korean Society for Cognitive and Biological Psychology), Jeju National University, Korea. [talk]

  • Kim, Silvia. (2015). Usos y restricciones sintácticas del cambio de código en el espanglish: una breve introducción. 17th Conference of the International Federation for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (FIEALC), Korea. [talk]

  • Kim, Silvia. (2015). La estilística del lenguaje en dos cuentos de Felisberto Hernández. BK 21 & GSI Presentation, Seoul National University, Korea. [talk]

  • Kim, Silvia. (2014). Contraste cualitativo entre el español estándar y el caribeño: el orden de palabras con enfoque en las frases-CU. Congreso de Invierno de la Asociación Coreana de Hispanistas 2014, Seoul National University, Korea. [talk]

  • Kim, Silvia. (2014). Análisis sintáctico de variedades dialectales del español: español estándar vs. español americano. BK 21 & GSI Presentation, Seoul National University, Korea. [talk]