
03/01/2023 Yaqiong Chai, PhD received ADRC grant, Congrats!!

08/01/2021 Cong Zang started his PhD program, Congrats!!

03/01/2021 New postdoc Dr. Gilsoon Park joins NIDLL. Welcome!

09/11/2020 Audrey Yin was selected for Magna Cum Laude Merit Award at the 2020 ISMRM

07/11/2020 Julia Simon and Audrey Yin were selected for oral presentation at the 2020 ISMRM

07/01/2020 New postdoc Dr. Soonhyun Yook joins NIDLL. Welcome!

06/01/2020 Technology Advancement Grants Award from USC Stevens Center for Innovation [link] 

09/01/2019 New postdoc Dr. Yaqiong Chai joins NIDLL. Welcome!

07/01/2019 BrightFocus Foundation grant funding starts [link]

01/01/2019 Visiting clinician Dr. Dae Lim Koo joins NIDLL for the research of sleep and dementia. Welcome!

12/01/2017 New postdoc Dr. Mengting Liu joins NIDLL. Welcome!

06/01/2017 Baxter Foundation grant funding starts [link]

06/01/2017 New postdoc Dr. Ben Duffy joins NIDLL. Welcome!

10/31/2016 Dr. Hosung Kim joins USC Neurology and Stevens Institute for Neuroimaging and Informatics as an Assistant Professor. He initiates NeuroImaging with Deep Learning Lab (NIDLL)