Native Health: 

Cannabis and Nicotine Study

Welcome to the Native Health: Cannabis and Nicotine Study Website.

American Indian and Alaskan Native young adults between the ages of 21-29 living in California who currently use both commercial tobacco and cannabis products are invited to participate in the Native Health: Cannabis and Nicotine Study.

This study is being led by the University of Southern California, the University of California San Francisco, and a Native American Community Advisory Board.

Fill out a confidential interest form to participate in the Cannabis and Nicotine Study. We will contact you with information on how to sign up.

 You can also call or text us at 323-442-5596 or email 

The Study

Interview and Survey

Complete a survey and one on one interview about how you use commercial tobacco (nicotine) and cannabis, your opinions about them, and your experiences with these products.

After 1 year, participants will be contacted for a second survey and interview.

A small amount of urine will be collected to analyze levels of THC, nicotine, and toxicant exposure. No other tests will be performed.

After 1 year, participants will be contacted to for a second urine sample. 

Note, this study is not a quitting program and you do not need to quit using cannabis or nicotine to participate.

Participant Compensation

Helpful Resources

What if I live far from Los Angeles and San Fransisco?

Learn about who is leading the study and our community advisory board.

Visit this page to watch a short video on urine sampling and biomarkers.

Visit this page to learn more about why this study is being performed.


To join this study, participants must hold the following characteristics:


Claradina Soto (Navajo, Jemez Pueblo)

Project Lead

Pamela Ling

Project Lead