Project Summary and Introduction


Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineering is the application of engineering to biology and medicine. It focuses mainly on healthcare through many aspects such as improving diagnostic medical equipment, designing prosthetics, inventing new pharmaceutical drugs, and even growing artificial organs through tissue and stem cells.

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineers deal with anything related to electrical equipment. They have had a huge impact on our current society since most of the technology we see today, such as smartphones or navigational systems or lightbulbs, is a result of their work. Electrical engineering is a very diverse field with many branches ranging from computer engineering to telecommunications.

Project Summary

Our team was tasked with creating a processing unit of an early warning system for COVID for vulnerable populations. The device would provide warnings for potential infection at regular time intervals. The risk factors to be measured were dry cough, increase in temperature, and low levels oxygen relative to normal. If no risk factors were present, a green LED would light up. If one risk factor was present, a yellow LED would light up. If two risk factors were present, a red LED would light up. If all three risk factors were present, an alarm would sound, and emergency services would be contacted. At the end of the week, we built a circuit with the other teams. Additionally, we wrote a research paper on the design process of commercial circuit design.