Carbon capture device

Inital Design

Our Initial design for our Carbon Capturing Device involved using a propeller to help capture more air into the device.

Final Design

Our Final design for our Carbon Capturing Device involved using a rotating parachute to create centripetal motion as the device falls, and using a one-way valve on both ends of the device that only opens one way. When the device is spinning, the one-way gates would open and be pushed against the walls of the device, causing them to stay open until the device hits the ground, at which point gravity and the force of impact would shut the valves, keeping the CO2 inside the device. For the filter mechanisms, we decided to use polymer/silica fiber sorbents functionalized with a primary amine-rich polymer. This will allow us to capture and release CO2 depending on changes in the temperature. At low temperatures, while the device is in mid-air, the filter will capture the CO2. After the device reaches the ground, the device will be heated up through one of the valves at the side of the device, which will cause the filter to release the CO2. This concentrated CO2 will exit through the other valve into a capsule for storage.

Tinkercad design: