USC: (course materials available to registered students on Blackboard, schedule of classes is available here.)

Fall 2022: Math 599 (Topics in Combinatorics: Discrete Geometry and Statistical Mechanics)

Spring 2022: Math 533 (Algebraic Combinatorics), Math 432 (Applied Combinatorics)

Fall 2021: on leave at MSRI

Spring 2021: Math 533 (Algebraic Combinatorics, graduate), Math 395 (Seminar in Problem Solving)

Fall 2020: Math 410 (Foundations of Abstract Algebra) and Math 395 (Seminar in Problem Solving)

Spring 2020: Graduate Topics in Algebraic Combinatorics course

Fall 2019: Math 532 (Combinatorial Analysis, graduate level course), Math 395 (Seminar in Problem Solving).

(all course materials available at the USC Blackboard sites for registered participants, general information available here)

Spring 2019: Math 432, Combinatorics.

Fall 2018: Math 532 (Combinatorial Analysis)


Academic year 2017--2018: On leave at the IAS as a von Neumann Fellow.

Spring 2017: On leave at IHP for the program "Combinatorics and Interactions".

Fall 2016:

Math 580 Combinatorics.

Putnam Competition Problem solving sessions -- weekly meetings announced here.

Spring 2016, Math 240 Differential equations and Linear Algebra.

Fall 2015, Math 580 Combinatorics.

Putnam Competition problem solving sessions. (usually Wednesdays 4:30-6pm in DRL 4E9)

Spring 2015, Math 581 Topics in Combinatorics -- Algebraic Combinatorics.

Fall 2014: Math 580 Combinatorics.


Spring 2014, Math 285N: Algebraic Combinatorics

Fall 2013, Math 170A Probability Theory

Winter 2013, Math 164 Optimization

Fall 2011: Math 180 Combinatorics

At Harvard, as a Teaching Fellow:

Spring 2011: Math 21b, Linear Algebra.

Spring 2010: Math 99r, Algebraic Combinatorics: Symmetric Functions, TF.some handouts

Spring 2009: Math 21b, Linear Algebra with Differntial Equations, TF. some handouts

Fall 2008: Math 277, Combinatorial Representation Theory, (course assistant).

Spring 2008: Math 19a, Modeling and Differential Equations for the Life Sciences, TF. some handouts.