Shady Delight

Bloom @ Vermont 

Welcome to  Bloom @ Vermont ! Tucked away between the

Downey Way Parking Structure, the Technical Theatre Laboratory and the Scene Dock Theatre, the site is a planting area home to many species of plants native to Los Angeles. It also provides great shade cover and other ecological benefits, like sequestering carbon. 

Come see what there is to explore about this space!

How do you feel sitting out in nature? 

Attention Restoration Theory suggests that spending time in nature can be beneficial to your mental wellbeing through reducing stress, mental fatigue and improving concentration. Combating ‘directed attention fatigue’ caused by the brain’s limited ability to focus on a task or stimulus, ART proposes that being in nature allows the brain to restore its attention direction capacity. Being in any natural space can help ease burnout and direct our attention away from the day-to-day stresses we face.

Spend some time not thinking about much at  Bloom @ Vermont, and reap the benefits to your attention span and mental wellbeing.

notice… engage your senses

Experience unique sights, smells, sounds and more at Bloom @ Vermont




It gets hot in Southern California.

When the sun’s beating down, tree cover becomes a sought-after refuge from exposure. The canopy trees at  Bloom @ Vermont   provide ample shade to this corner of campus for humans and critters alike to enjoy. Shade plays an important role in heat regulation for human health and combating the urban heat island effect. It also helps reduce drought stress by slowing down water evaporation.

Coastal Live Oak

(Quercus agrifolia)

tree species

California Sycamore

(Platanus racemosa)

Carbon sequestration

Nature and protected natural spaces provide us with ecological benefits — that is, positive effects on humans, the environment and living in general.

A big plus of any vegetation is its ability to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in biomass (renewable organic material). Plants serve as carbon sinks to counteract gas emissions felt in Los Angeles, so even small patches of greenspace and urban biodiversity on campus like  Bloom @ Vermont   have a positive environmental impact.

everyone is welcome to enjoy the space!

TJ Martynowicz

USC senior & 

master’s student

During my campus runs, Bloom @ Vermont is such a nice break from the L.A. sun. The site provides shade both on- and off-campus!

Brianna Tang

USC junior

I was genuinely impressed by the thoughtful selection of native plant species in this planting site that has created a harmonious and sustainable ecosystem. 

Aria Haver-Hill

USC senior 

The space has been a nice and shady area for me to take meetings and rest between classes. It’s great!