Class Presentations

Overview and Requirements

Instructions for Signing-Up:

The (view-only) schedule is available here. The instructor will provide information on Piazza about signing up.

If you drop the class and do not intend to present a paper that you are signed up for, please inform the instructor as soon as possible! 

The exact number of presentations you will give depends on the class enrollment. If it turns out that students need to give more presentations than originally expected, we will decrease the number of paper reviews as needed.

The Actual Presentation:

Each presentation will be given 25 minutes. Make sure to practice and time the presentation! (We will allow brief clarification questions during the talk which can be answered quickly, but we will ask to have longer and open-ended discussions after the presentation, to avoid interfering too much with the 25-minute time block.)

You are welcome to reuse figures or videos from the authors in their paper, presentations, blog posts, etc.

We encourage you to use Google Slides to make it easier to quickly share with others, and submit a link to it on Gradescope  by 2:00pm (of the presentation day, which starts at 5:00pm). You can submit a single PDF that links to the slides. We also ask for a private post to the instructor with a link to the slides. We will add links to the slides on the class schedule after the class. You are, of course, welcome to continue fine-tuning the presentation afterwards (we won't grade anything until after the presentation), but it helps the instructor significantly if the slides themselves can be accessed before that.

It should be structured as follows:

Discussion Questions:

The last slide of the presentation should be a list of 4 discussion questions. These questions will be used to spur discussion during class. Possible topics for these discussion questions include:

Questions that are less conducive to a productive discussion include:


Each single class presentation you give is graded as follows on a 10-point scale:

Your overall "class presentation" grade for the course is computed as follows: