
Scientific conferences and seminars (dissemination activities)

1. Dr Rigual Hernández presented the invited-speaker seminar "Ecosistemas marinos del Océano Sur: estado actual y amenazas" as part of the conference cycle "Concienciación y capacitación en materia de cambio climático para profesores de primaria y secundaria" at Salamanca University (15/03/2018).

2. Dr Rigual Hernández participated as chair in the 64th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Geological Society. (1-2/06/2018).

3. Dr Rigual Hernández presented an invited seminar at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at University of Tasmania (Australia) entitled: “Composition, seasonality and calcification variability of coccolithophores in the Southern Ocean” (25/07/2018).

4. Dr Rigual Hernández attended the 2018 ACE CRC annual symposium in Hobart (Australia) where he was able to discuss the results of his project with internationally recognised researchers in the field of marine and polar sciences (1/08/2018).

5. Dr Rigual Hernández presented the invited talk "Biogeography and seasonal patterns of coccolithophore species in the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean" at the Spanish national SCAR meeting: IX Simposio de Estudios Polares (5-7/09/2018)

6. Presentation* "Coccolith mass variability and contribution to carbonate production of coccolithophores in the Southern Ocean: modern versus fossil assemblages" by Rigual-Hernández et al. at the American Geophysical Union meeting in Washington (USA) (10-14/12/2018).

7. Oral presentation at IPMA (Lisbon): “Southern Nannoplankton Response to CO2: key findings and unresolved questions” (16/05/2019).

8. Attendance to the congress “Ciência 2019 - Science and Technology in Portugal Summit” in Lisbon (Portugal) during secondment (10/07/2019).

9. Oral presentation entitled “Insights into phytoplankton ecology and phenology using sediment traps“ by Dr Rigual-Hernández during the “IOC Training Course and Certification in Identification of Harmful Marine Algae (2019)

10. Rigual Hernández presented a talk at the 17th International Nannoplankton Association Meeting in Santos (Brazil), “Monitoring the seasonal cycle of Emiliania huxleyi populations in the subantarctic Southern Ocean” by Rigual-Hernández, et al.

11. Oral presentation (online) during the ICEPRO (An international collaboration effort for improving Paleoclimate Research in The Southern Ocean) workshop at the 13th International Conference on Paleoceanography 2019 conference in Sydney. “Sediment trap experiments in the Australian-New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean.” by Rigual-Hernández (01/09/2019). Website: http://icp13.com.au/pre-and-post-workshops.php

12. Dr Ericksen (IMAS, Australia) presented a poster at the 13th International Conference on Paleocenography 2019 in Sydney (02/09/2019). “Coccolith mass variability and contribution to carbonate production of coccolithophores in the Southern Ocean: modern versus fossil assemblages” by Rigual-Hernández et al. Website:

13. The poster presentation “Coccolith mass variability and contribution to carbonate production of coccolithophores in the Southern Ocean: modern versus fossil assemblages” by Rigual-Hernández et al. was presented by Dr Eriksen at the Poster Session of the CSIRO Cutting Edge Symposium Saving Our Seas, held in Hobart (Australia) (8-10/01/2020).

14. Short communication in “The Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB)” website and Newsletter (U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program) (8/04/2020) (D7.4). Link: https://www.us-ocb.org/little-big-exporters/

Outreach activities and publications

1. SONaR-CO2 project was endorsed by the SOOS (Southern Ocean Observing System) and announced in its website: http://soos.aq/index.php/activities/endorsed-projects

2. Outreach publication summarizing the main objectives of SONaR-CO2 project and results from Rigual Hernández et al. (2018) in DiCYT (Agencia Iberoamericana para la Difusión de la Ciencia y la Tecnología) (25/02/2019) and salamanca24horas.com (03/03/2019). D4.3 and D7.4 (articles covering both topics).

Access to the articles: https://www.dicyt.com/noticias/estudian-como-afecta-la-acidificacion-del-oceano-a-algas-diminutas-en-regiones-polares/


3. Press release in SINC (Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas) from the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology associated with the publication Rigual Hernández et al. (2018) (26/02/2019).

Access to the article: https://www.agenciasinc.es/Noticias/La-acidificacion-del-oceano-afecta-a-las-diminutas-algas-de-las-regiones-polares/

4. Hands-on science activity "Fitoplancton, los bosques del océano" by Dr Rigual Hernández and collaborators of SONaR-CO2 project in the framework of the Annual Mineral Fair and Exposition at the Science Faculty of USAL (21/05/2018).

5. Dr Rigual Hernández acted as Marie Curie Ambassador delivering two invited talks during the Marie Skłodowska-Curie information and project-proposal preparation day at Salamanca University during two consecutive years (25/05/2017 and 13/06/2018).

6. The ER participated with comment in the article “Pithy burnout prevention” about burnout prevention strategies for young researchers: “Pithy burnout prevention”. Science 365, 22-23. 2019”. Article: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/365/6448/22/

7. Ms Laura Sánchez (excellence high school program student) successfully presented her research project "Estudio del plancton silíceo del océano Sur" based on SONaR-CO2 sediment trap materials at the secondary school "Vaguada de la Palma" (Salamanca) (21/02/2019). The ER acted both as supervisor and director of her evaluation committee.

8. Dr Rigual Hernández talked in the radio program "Hoy por Hoy" of radio SER about the SONaR-Co2 project (25/02/2019).

Access to the interview here: https://play.cadenaser.com/audio/1551101905_854058/

9. Organization of a public display and hands-on science activity and by Dr Rigual Hernández in the framework of the Annual Mineral Fair and Exposition at the Science Faculty of USAL (18/05/2019).

10. Article in the newspaper “El Mundo” dedicated to SONaR-CO2 project entitled "La amenaza fantasma del cambio climático" (28/05/2019). Access to the article: https://diariodevalladolid.elmundo.es/articulo/innovadores/amenaza-fantasma-cambio-climatico/20190528122220284582.html

11. European Researchers' Night 2019. Dr Rigual Hernández organized hands-on science activities for kids and adults in a street fair organized by USAL in Salamanca (27/09/2019). Link: https://www.salamanca24horas.com/texto-diario/mostrar/1538736/salamanca-suma-noche-europea-investigadores-casi-decena-actividades/

12. In the framework of International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020, Dr Rigual Hernández organized a five-day exposition at USAL entitled: “Investigadoras del Cambio Climático”.


13. Press release in regional newspaper Diario Palentino "Algas Marinas, el pulmón del planeta" (26/01/2020) following the publication Rigual-Hernández et al. (2020b). Access to the article: https://www.diariopalentino.es/noticia/Z7781B0EE-F661-A171-D1F5E241411FE109/202001/algas-marinas-el-pulmon-del-planeta/

14. A monographic dissemination article of SONaR-CO2 project was published on USAL website (https://saladeprensa.usal.es/node/123663) on 21/05/2020.

15. Press release in local newspaper Tribuna focussed on SONaR-CO2 project. (21/05/2020)

Access to the article: https://www.tribunasalamanca.com/noticias/investigadores-de-la-usal-estudian-el-impacto-de-los-gases-industriales-en-el-ecosistema-marino-antartico/1590078842

16. The ER was interviewed on radio USAL on 25/05/2020. Link: http://radio.usal.es/entrevistas/el-impacto-de-las-emisiones-industriales-en-el-ecosistema-marino/

17. The national newspaper El Mundo contacted Dr Rigual for an interview that will be published on May 2020 focussed on the project highlights.

Websites and Social Media

- SONaR-CO2 Website: https://sites.google.com/usal.es/sonar-co2/home

- SONaR-CO2 Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SONARCO2/