Primary Cooperative Classroom

Welcome to our classroom!

Meet the teacher: Mrs. Connelly

I began teaching in 2013 and have been teaching at Union Ridge since 2015.  In previous years, I have worked with students in kindergarten through 4th grade. I am looking forward to another great year of getting to know my students and helping them grow! I believe that working as a team is the best way to help children thrive and I look forward to having open communication with your family. I am thrilled for a new school year and know it is going to be a time filled with fun, excitement, and successes. We are going to have a wonderful year!

Contact information: You can email me at or message me on Class Dojo.

Classroom Service Providers:

Social worker: Alison Griffith

Speech and language pathologist: Christos Kolovos

Occupational therapist: Melinda Simonson

Physical therapist: Jennifer Zulaski

Classroom paraprofessionals: Amy Hardy, Esther Leyva-Richko, Bryanna McCarthy