Be a Reviewer

Have you benefited from colleagues’ feedback on your writing? Interested in supporting new and practicing authors in our field? We're pairing volunteer reviewers with writers looking for supportive and nonjudgmental feedback that can improve the writing process prior to submission at a journal, conference proposal, or trade publication and encourage many voices to participate in the professional conversation. Reviewers receive onboarding materials on how best to share feedback with colleagues and a letter to confirm your service and contributions to the profession.

Why review with us? Our platform gives both reviewers and reviewees flexibility in what’s reviewed, and our open affiliation means you don’t need to be a member of a local or national library association to participate. Reviewing can improve and inspire your own writing skills, as well. Finally, with a mixture of opportunities, you’ll be able to provide reviews for a wider variety and more diverse array of materials.

Please fill out the form below, or access it separately here.