We've teamed up with the Academic Skills Unit to get you some revision hacks just in time for the Assessment Period.

Over the Stressless Period, students can access the Union Meeting Rooms 1 and 4 to study at their leisure. Check out our timetable to see when the rooms are available There are even a few free snacks!

Study In the Sun

Want to relax and revise while enjoying the weather? We've got your exam plans on hand!

Running every day from

Monday 25th April - Friday 6th May between 10am-4pm.

Come to the Union Advice Service to exchange your card for a blanket and get cramming on our green!

You bring the sun - we'll bring the blankets!

Free Dyslexia Overlays

Come and pick up your free Dyslexia overlay from the Students' Union Advice Service - We will be handing them out for free, in a vast array of colours to suit every need.